Welcome to MECLP


Louise Corwin, Co-Founder, Co-Chair of the MECLP Advisory Committee, Retired ED, Ready At Five

An initiative of the Shriver Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities, MECLP is at the forefront of early childhood leadership, workforce development, and advocacy in Maryland. The Shriver Center is extremely lucky to have Louise Corwin, co-founder of MECLP, MECLP’s Program Director, Christina Lopez, and Graduate Assistant Uche Anaeto spearheading MECLP’s exciting and critically important work. In partnership with the Institute for Early Education Leadership and Innovation at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, MECLP offers a graduate course – Leading for Change in Early Childhood – and through its Community of Practice and other activities, provides early childhood professionals throughout Maryland with the knowledge and tools needed to ensure Maryland remains a leader and innovator in early childhood leadership.


For more information, reach out to: meclp@umbc.edu